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Quit Drinking Dude 30 Day Challenge!
Day 1: Welcome; Lets Get Connected!
Introduction Video - 30 Days Alcohol Free (22:36)
Locals App, Relay App, I Am Sober App - Downloadable Links
Day 2: My Story & Your Story
Shane's Story
Write Your Story
Day 3-5: Daily Tools to Stay Sober
Day 3: Affirmations
Day 4: How to Create a Gratitude List
Day 5: Daily Reflections
Days 6-8: Prayer, Meditation, Diet & Exercise
Day 6: Meditation & Prayer
Day 7: Fitness & Fun
Day 8: Diet & Eating Habits
Day 9-10: How to Stay Accountable & Find Support
Day 9: Accountability & Support
Day 10 - 30 Day Sober Journal
Day 11-13: Why Do I Go Back to Drinking?
Day 11: The Fear of Relapse
Day 12: Write the Feelings Write the Facts
Day 13: 17 Common Symptoms Leading to Slips & Relapse
Day 14-17: Exercise Your Mind
Day 14: Weekly Inventory Checklist
Day 15: The Mind Has a Mind of It’s Own
Day 16: Old Behavior, People, Places & Things
Day 17: 3 Tips to Get You Through Today (Motivation & Encouragement)
Day 18-20: Let’s Have Some Fun Without Alcohol!
Day 18: 5 Tips to Help You Not Drink At Events Where There is Alcohol
Day 19: How Do I Have Fun Without Alcohol?
Day 20: Celebrating Your Wins
Day 21-24: Put. In. Work.
Day 21: RAWW - How to Identify & Deal With RAWW Emotion
Day 22: RAWW Emotion Exercise
Day 23: How to Handle High Risk Situations
Day 24: High Risk Situations Exercise
Day 25-27: The Home Stretch
Day 25: The Quit Drinking Dude Emergency Kit
Day 26: Your Daily Morning Routine
Day 27: Resources & Takeaways
Day 28-30: You Can, You Will, You Did!
Day 28: Goal Setting
Day 29: What Do I Do Now?
Day 30: YOU DID 30 DAYS WITHOUT ALCOHOL! - Shoot Me an Email Right Now and Tell Me How You Feel!! (2:23)
Day 15: The Mind Has a Mind of It’s Own
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